Ziplining Through the Sky

 After we arrived at our next hotel, Chateau Arenal, we only only had 20 minutes to check in before a bus would pick us up and take us to Sky Adventures. We barely got to check out our rooms and drop off our stuff, but we didn't feel rushed. Right on schedule, we were picked up at 2:30 and on our way for our 3:00 ziplining tour. Everyone who we talked to said that this was the best and safest place, and once we arrived I could tell they had been doing this for a while. The adventure park was further on the volcano, higher up in the mountains. 

Upon arrival we had to sign wavers, get fitted for equipment, and listen to safety instructions. They taught us how to sit in the harness, how to break and how to land. We had to take a sky tram, about 8 minutes through the tree tops to the top of the course. It was a total different experience seeing the jungle from that height as opposed to the ground. While we still didn’t see any wildlife, the vegetation looked very different. At the top we got some photos. There was also a giant hand that we could stand on for photos. 

The course had 7 lines in total, slowly increasing in speed and length. The fist one was made 20 feet, and served as a practice run. Our tour had 8 other people on it, and it was fun to experience it with complete strangers. There were about 5 guides who helped get us on the line and catch us when we came in. They were very efficient. 

In the hand, at the top of the tram. 

Ready to zip and zoom! 

I unfortunately couldn’t get videos cursing over the treetops, but it was and incredible feelings. I have zip lined in the past, so I didn’t feel fear creep up on me like I have before. I was really able to enjoy the view, the speed, and cool misty air of volcano. 

We ended up purchasing the photos they took, even thought they were a little expensive. 

Smiles all around! No fear.... well mayabe a little. But I tried not to listen to it!

Look at the perspective! 

"What did Cienna get me into!!!"

"Nevermind, this is cool AF!!!!!"

What a view!

The last long and fast line took us through a path in the trees, and on the forest floor I got a glimpse of what I think was a monkey. I was going too fast through to see much detail. The top speed that you can reach on the lines is 35 KPH, but with my weight I probably only got to 20. I almost didn’t make it to the end on one of the runs! 

Before we knew it, the tour had ended, just over an hour long. The finally zip was short, just to get us to the ground. We were both happy to feel the ground beneath our feet. The harness was starting to hurt so I was happy to take it off.  We were both a little shaky from the ride, and I had a lot of energy to burn. 

Our bus driver dropped us off safely at our hostel, and after a quick shower we ate a wonderful dinner. I haven't talked a lot about the people of Costa Rica, but the hospitality is amazing. In most countries I have visited, when I make an effort to speak the native language I am greated with hospitality and kindness. In Costa Rica, I barly have to try to speak Spanish and I am greeted with the same amount of kindenss and consideration. This resturaunt was the same. Amazing food, and service. The chef came out to check on us, and the everyone seems happy to host us. I try my best to reward that behavior by being greatful and consierate of their time and business. I understand that Costa Rica's economy is built on tourism, but I really felt like we were appreceiated by certain hosts and valued as visitors of the country. 

Our final landing spot of the zip lining

Happy hour drinks!

Coconut fried shrimp, special for V-Day

After dinner, we relaxed in our bungalow. 

Wishing for the best on your adventures, 



  1. Looks like fun, but not for me, my heart would never get back in its proper place or in its natural rhythm!...Love having a ringside seat to your adventures and to see that Justin is still smiling...Hugs Oma


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