Starting the trip to Costa Rica

3 months ago Justin and I started to plan a trip to Costa Rica. We debated between Jamaica and Mexico, finally deciding on Costa Rica, a nice balance between night life and natural experience. We decided to keep our itinernary open rather than committing ourselves to any activities. We hope to raft, surf, and check out the jungles and volcanos. I am excited to experience the food and culture, as well as the natural experiences. I am also excited to practice my Spanish. Justin is looking forward to seeing monkeys, tucans, and other wildlife as well as food and beaches. 

The timing was perfect; we got the the airport, got thought security with a 10 minute buffer to the gate. Once past the plane I got to support one of my favorite Portland Distilleries, Straightaway, I had the margarita. After Justin and I landed, we treated ourselves to a Bloody Mary.  The Layover was 5 hours, so we took refuge at an airport bar. 

The flight from LAX to SJO was smooth, it was after we landed that things got tricky. The pilot told up that our bag could be picked up at carousal 7. Once we got through immigration, we found that there was no carousal 7, nor was there any information pointing us to the right baggage claim. Trusting that there would be a baggage claim 7, I pushed us through customs. To our disappointment, there never had been a carousal 7, and there never would be. 

After calling the airlines, we were able to track down our bags, but not until our airport shuttle to our hostel left without us. Several calls and an hour later, we gave in and took a very expensive cab. 

Not the best way to start off the trip, but things will turn around. For now, its sleep. Tomorrow we will explore some of downtown, try to hit up a market, and recoup from the flights. 

I hope the photos show. 

Wishing for the best on your adventures, 



  1. Love reading about your adventures and having photos along with it...Enjoy every minute and remember those crazy things (lost baggage etc) always make a trip memorable...Hope the rest of your sightseeing goes smoothly...Hugs to you and Justin, Love Oma


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