Jungle Adventures

 Throughout the night I was woken by the sound of rain on our tent. Yes I said tent! This hostel embraces the term glamping, and we love it! Despite the rough sleep I had, I enjoyed listening to the sounds of rain, frogs, grasshopper, and the occasional owl in the distance. 

Veiw of the lake. 

Our Canopy Jungle Tent! 

We have a shared bathroom fanilities,
but this tent room was so cool! 

Inside the room, the window pannels do prop open.
There is also a door to a deck outback. 

Another bed, this space can accomatade 5 people. 

The balcony, backing up to a bamboo forest. 

The Hostel is located on one of the many steep mountain sides, and is rather remote. The closes major city is La Fortuna, about 45 minutes away. We drove through it last night, and knew we would have to come back for souvenir shopping. 

The Hostel has an amazing view, with the Arenal Volcano in the east of us and Lake Arenal to the north. Were were within walking distance to a butterfly conservatory and a Eco zoo. The hostel also provided a private shuttle, so that took the pressure off of transport. Before breakfast, Justin and I enjoyed the gorgeous views. 


After breakfast, a smoothy bowl with granola, we requested two tours and a ride to La Fortuna. The ride seemed quicker than expected, and our driver was very kind, slowing to let us take photos of the volcano. Once we got to La Fortuna (it is on the east side of the volcano) we walked around the city center/park, stoping by shops and making different purchases. I also got some sugar cane juice, that was a little earthier than I expected, and not too sweet. We stopped for lunch as a Mexican inspired restaurant. I got some ceviche and Justin got a chicken quesadilla. Ceviche was one of the foods I really wanted. It is a fish dish, sometimes shrimp is used as well. It is cooked using acid, like limes or lemons with onions, cilantro, and avocado. I like to phrase it as a raw fish salad, although that can sometimes be off putting to people. It was so yummy, and I felt bad not finishing all of it because it was so rich. 

Red flower

A small park, in front of a church, with the volcano in the distance. 

Selfie at the park quare. 

The juice stand that I got sugar cane juice from. 

Justin and the quesadilla

Me with ceviche

All the souvineres shops were piled high.

Lots of wood gifts and beaded gifts. 

Anoterh veiw before we left town. 

A fun sloth statue ouside of a hotel/resort

The clouds are slowly sarting to burn off of the volcano.

Clear to the top! The little clouds are actually
smoke coming from the volcano. 

The other side of the road, mainly pasture for cows. 

Coati! Not related to monkeys, but instead to racoons. 

Our driver picked us up at 2:00, and we were back at the Hostel soon. We also saw a coati on our way back. They are related to raccoons, but are much smarter. 

We quickly dropped off our purchases, then walked less than a quarter mile to the butterfly conservatory. It closed at 4, and it was 2:45 but the time we were dropped off, so I was anxious to get there. We spent the next hour walking through the sanctuary, observing butterflies, frogs and turtles. 

We returned for a quick break, before starting a night tour on the hostel property. That was when I discovered, that despite my thorough checking, I had missed something very important. I though I had booked 3 night at the hostel, but I had accidentally only booked 2. Unfortunately they didn’t have room for us to stay a 3rd night with them, but Wen was a life saver, and with some phone calls and texting, she found us other accommodation just down the road. 

Our night tour started just before dusk. Our guide was very informed, and was able to tailor the tour to the animals that we were interested in. I really wanted to see some frogs and sloths, and Justin wanted to see tarantulas, insects, and anything else that would show itself. Our guide told us all about the biodiversity of Costa Rica, and how unique all the animals were. He also told us about how some of the newer adaptations, and newer species that have evolved due to pollution or climate change. For example, there is a new kind of spider, that only has 6 legs. Its front two have changed into long antenna to help them feel around and give them more sense. There were several species of frog, that he called the new world frogs, or new evolution. They are much smaller, and only have 6-8 babies. However the babies hatch not as tadpoles, but as smaller adults so that they don’t have to spend any time in the pesticide infested waters that cause mutations in old world frogs. 

We never did see any mammals, but I got so many photos of spiders, frogs, birds, and a lizard. We also heard an owl again, and later that night it was outside our tent, calling for a mate. (Very fitting, as it is Valentines day. Poor guy was lonely.) We got a nice look at it before going to bed that night. 

After the tour we enjoyed a three course dinner at the hostel. A spinach and fruit salad with balsamic, eggplant stuffed with mushrooms and a roasted tomato on a bead of mashed potatoes, and for dessert a passionfruit mousse. It was all delicious, and very filling. Another long day, filled with lots of activities. 


Main course

Passionfruit Mousse!

Tomorrow we have a cocoa tour booked with the hostel, and we will go zip lining in the afternoon. Hopefully I can get some good photos! 

Photos from the butterfly conservitory and night tour will have thier own post at a later time, so check back for those! 

Happy Valentines Day! 

Wishing for the best on your adventures, 



  1. My goodness Cienna, what a trip you planned, (and some you didn't.)But all very exciting and educational and you both must be exhausted! Love the photos and so look forward to your retelling when we get to visit with you...Love hearing your stories...Love and Hugs to you and Justin...Love Oma

  2. Great adventure and the snags only help to keep it interesting and you on your toes. Hope you get to see some monkeys soon! XOXOX Adventure On!! mom


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