First Nights Out

 My first day in Prauge was spent studing and catching up on jet lag. I have felt the effects more now than any of my other travel experiences. 

Before the course starts, all of us need to pass a grammar test. They have online modules for us to work through, as well as study sheets and quizzlet. I never got any formal grammar instruction other than parts of speech, so this is all very new to me.  

After studing, my roommate Nöelle and I walked to beer pub and met up with some other students in the program. We had a a few beers and exchanged stories for a bit. I got a sour beer to start. It was very good, and made me reconsider my slight adversion to beer. I decided to try a coffee stout as well, and that was sooo yummy. I am wondering if its just american beer that I have a problem with.... 

View on the way too the pub.

Another view, this is the one of the major train stations. 

Selfie with Nöelle! 

History and Science museum


After our drinks, Nöelle, another student Nathan, and I went to a free standup comedy event at a bar. The venue was very small and intimate. We thought be had to buy tickets ahead of time, so we didn't find out that it was free until we arrived. The person organizing was so kind, and gave us a few free drinks as compensation for paying for a free event. In total there were about 10 comics. After my beers and free cocktails, I found myself laughing at just about everything they said, and often times I was the only one cackling in the crowd! I have been to only one comdey show in the US, so I wasn't sure what to expect. After the show, we had several of the comics came over to our group. They all loved me because I was laughing so hard! Several of them asked me to come to thier other events just to help get the rest of the crowd laughing. The last comic told us about a show he is doing on Friday night that was also free, and we decided that we would go to that one too. 

Loved the venue of the comdey show

After leaving the bar, we started our walk home. We stoped at a shwarma shop on the way. It was very delicious, and I decided to save half of mine for breakfast the next day. We also stopped at a beer garden in a park that wasn't too far from our apartment. Beer gardens and pubs are so popular here, sort of like Starkbucks in Seattle. You can't go more than one block without passing 2-3 pubs. We ended up getting home around 2 in the morning. 

It is currently Friday night as I am writing this. I just came back from a ramen place, with my two roomates and some other students. We are taking a quick rest, then we will meet at the comdey club soon. After that, we are hoping to find a dance club to spend the rest of our evening at. So far things have been super fun, and eveyone who I have meet on the coure is very nice. 

Pork based ramen.

One major difference, that has been really suprising to me, is the lack of birds in the town. In Portland, there are a lot of crows, as well as other birds. In New York, I rember there being a lot of pigeons. Here, I haven't seen or heard one bird so far. I didn't expect this to be such a shock, but I am really confused as to were all the birds are! Maybe they just don't like my part of town.... 

Anyways, thats all for now.  

Wishing for the best on your adventures, 



  1. So much fun. Food looks delish. mom

  2. Wow, talk about cramming a lot into the first weekend, can't wait to hear the rest..So glad you are writing it all down, memories for years to come...Stay safe Luv! Oma

  3. Beer capital of the world 🍺.


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