First time in San Francisco

All the way back in December my host sister P'Mod told me that she would be going to graduate school in San Francisco. We talked about visiting each other while she is down here. So a few months ago I planed with her to come visit, and booked a flight to San Francisco. I left on Saturday at 6:30am and arrived at 8:20am. I found navigating the metro system simple, except for the BART ticket purchase. I arrived close to Union Square where I met with JT(P'Mod). By 11:30 we were on the top of Macy's eating at The Cheesecake Factory.
Union Square
More of Union Square
A friendly pigeon

JT my host sister

We spent the rest of the day at Japantown, exploring all that it had to offer. Lots of the shops held toys and figurings for tourists to purchase. There were lots of food places and desserts as well. JT took me to a purikura shop. Purikura is a Japanese style photo booth. The booth has you take about 8 photos at different angles. Next you are asked to digitally decorate each photo with cute stickers and phrases. After that you can choose the layout of the photos before the machine finally prints out the photos. After that fun experience we went to a taiyaki shop. Traditionally, taiyaki is a fish shaped waffle like pastry filled with bean paste, but this shop instead filled the pastry with ice-cream. I got watermelon flavor and JT got black sesame. We continued to walk through Japantown and made our way back to her apartment. For dinner we stoped by a small Korean grocery store and got a sushi like roll and kimchi radishes. We also stoped by Trader Jo's to pick up some food for the next few days.
A cool origami snail in Japan Town

On the walk back to the apartment

The fun ice-cream treats

Overall I had a great first day in this big city. For Sunday we plan to go to the Golden Gate Park and walk along the beach. We are making a lunch to take. I am excited to see parts of San Francisco outside of the bustling downtown.

Wishing for the best on your adventures,


  1. Cool stuff sis! I'm following you now ;) 💕

  2. Fun, Fun, Fun...Thanks Cienna for sharing your travels/photos with us...


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