
Showing posts from February, 2023

Quiet Evening in Dallas

 Our flight from Costa Rica left at 7:35am. Justin and I were up at 3:30 to catch our Uber ride at 4. The driver didn't speak much English, but he and I had a full conversation. There were some words I didn't understand, but togeather we were able to talk with minimum confusion.  Checking into our flight and getting through secerity was a seamless process. We took turns walking around the airport to pass the time. Soon we found that we were in the very back row of the plane, which I didn't mind. Made it easier to get to the restrooms.  Looking East over Costa Rica.  We touched down in Dallas Fort-Worth around 11:30. Customs and security went super smoothly. We then had 2 hours to kill beofre we could chek into our hotel. I got us on the DART, Dallas's rail system. That got us pretty close to the hotel. We Ubered from there, saving about $20 in taxi fees.  After checking into the hotel, we quickly showered then went out for some Texas BBQ. We found a place within walking

Last Full Day in Costa Rica

 We awoke late this morning, accepting that today would be just a travel day. We could have snuck in a hot srping or a jungle tour if we wanted, but consering both Justin and myself, we needed to dedicate the whole day to getting closer to the airport. After taking our time packing, and drink a few celabratory mimosa's at the hotel, we were soon picked up by Interbus. This was the same bus company that took us from Jaco to Essence Arenal in La Fortuna. It is highly reliable, so we decided it was worth it to take it again. We had a quick stop along the way for restrooms and food, but this van transport was completely full. Luckily the drive was not as twisty as the last, so I made more progress on my book to pass the time.  Our bungalow View from the room, looking a little north.  Veiw looking a little south. Looking west, into cow pasture. El Castillo, the small town that we stayed in very close to La Fortuna.  Up the hill! Our second hostel is the small houses just to the left of

Ziplining Through the Sky

 After we arrived at our next hotel, Chateau Arenal, we only only had 20 minutes to check in before a bus would pick us up and take us to Sky Adventures. We barely got to check out our rooms and drop off our stuff, but we didn't feel rushed. Right on schedule, we were picked up at 2:30 and on our way for our 3:00 ziplining tour. Everyone who we talked to said that this was the best and safest place, and once we arrived I could tell they had been doing this for a while. The adventure park was further on the volcano, higher up in the mountains.  Upon arrival we had to sign wavers, get fitted for equipment, and listen to safety instructions. They taught us how to sit in the harness, how to break and how to land. We had to take a sky tram, about 8 minutes through the tree tops to the top of the course. It was a total different experience seeing the jungle from that height as opposed to the ground. While we still didn’t see any wildlife, the vegetation looked very different. At the top

Cacao Tour

 Today was another jam packed day. It rained all night, and while I welcomed the cool weather, I didn’t get much sleep from the loud sounds of rain.  We went for breakfast at 8, I got another smoothies bowl. We needed to be packed and ready to go, as our next tour started at 10 and check out was at 11. Our guide was Aurelio, the same one who took us on the night tour. I was excited, because last night was such an amazing experience. This time we were joined by two other guests, Stephanie and Peter.  The steep road down We started by walking slowly to the farm/garden and staff housing. We took our time. Aurelio stoped lots to show us different types of edible plants and some that smelled good as well. Even thought the walk was about 5-8 minutes without stopping, it took us 2 hours.  Bridge to a small waterfall.  Looking down from the top of the ridge. A male payapa plant, it will never produce fruit.  A plant related to ginger and tumeric. You can eat the stem. It reminded me a little