
On Monday, for class my group and I took a trip to a near by town Coihueco. For class we are helping the city try to boost their tourism. So for the day we toured the town. First we went to an old gold mining town, and talked to the locals. We visited an old image of Christ that the miners would pray to  when they wanted. It was carved out of wood and is over 100 years old. The Christ is held in an older lady's house who has taken care of him for 40 years. It was very fun to see the history and culture of this sculpture. 

A Church outside the main plaza
Outside the information center
The old women and the figure of Christ
Along the streets

Along the streets
The crew
We then went to lunch, and soon after stopped by a ladies house who makes baskets. She explained the process of making the basket. They are made from wheat that is then dried in the sun before making it into baskets. After, we stoped by an old train station that the town wants to make into a museum or cultural center. All in all, we spent most of the day walking and exploring the different locations. The group of 9 is split into 3 groups, and each of us are assigned to a different location to interview locals and the spots for tourists to visit. We are then to apply the information that we have gathered into a sort of flyer or other form of add to draw in people from other cities to visit.
The old train station
The women in charge of the baskets
Al lof her handy work
Outside the bus station
The boys
Wishing for the best on your adventures, 


  1. Looks like a fun and busy day. Thank you for sharing. love mom

  2. I love your classes without books and lectures, hands on is best...Keep blogging!


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