A Term in Chile

All the way back in June I applied for a study abroad program with my university. This program is facility led, had no major requirements and a destination of Chile. Knowing very little about this program I applied. I got an interview before the term ended, and went off to summer break not knowing if I was 100% in the program, but having the impression that I was leaving to Chile for 10 weeks during the coming winter term. I didn't find out until late October that I was confirmed to start my next international trip. I was given an orientation date to go to, and during that orientation day I felt a little in the dark. It didn't seem like the program was very prepared, and neither was anyone else. Again, my past study abroad experience has been with Rotary International, and they spend a year with multiple orientations to send me, at age 16, to a foreign country for a year, so I suppose the experiences are different.
At the end of the orientation the facility member sent us away with little guidance, telling us that he wouldn't see us until we were all in Chile, and that this was going to be a new experience for everyone. So as I pushed through the end of the term, the study abroad trip loomed over my head, and as I coasted through the break the shadow of this new experience crept ever closer(I'm sure it didn't help my traveling anxiety by watching the first season of Lost before my trip, but details).
My first flight takes me to Houston, for an 11 hour layover. I will then catch a 9 hour flight at 10:00pm to Santiago, where I will spend a night to try and get rid of any jet lag. I am to meet up with members of my program on Saturday, and travel to Chillan, the city where I am staying at. This city is about 4 hours away from Santiago, and an hour away from the beach. I will be staying with a host family, and will be going to school at the local university. There are 10 other students in the program and we will all be learning together.
I have had the misfortune of coming down with a cold hours before my flight left, and I decided to try a new way of traveling. Usually when I fly I stay up the whole time, get a flight that arrives at my final destination in the evening, and then I go home to crash for the next 8 hours. This trip I decided to pull an all nighter before my 5:00am flight, so I could sleep a little during my first flight but also keep me tired for my longer flight. My last flight arrives at 10:30 am, so hopefully I can sleep on the overnight flight and be somewhat functional for the remaining day. But maybe I will just be a walking zombie for the next few days.

Wishing for the best on your adventures, 


  1. Thanks so much for the first post about your new adventure...If I have the times figured right, you should be in the Santiago airport by now(close anyway)...Hope you got some sleep on the long flight and your cold isn't making you too miserable...You are constantly in our thoughts, sending love, selfies are welcome...:) Love, Oma


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