Quiet Evening in Dallas
Our flight from Costa Rica left at 7:35am. Justin and I were up at 3:30 to catch our Uber ride at 4. The driver didn't speak much English, but he and I had a full conversation. There were some words I didn't understand, but togeather we were able to talk with minimum confusion. Checking into our flight and getting through secerity was a seamless process. We took turns walking around the airport to pass the time. Soon we found that we were in the very back row of the plane, which I didn't mind. Made it easier to get to the restrooms. Looking East over Costa Rica. We touched down in Dallas Fort-Worth around 11:30. Customs and security went super smoothly. We then had 2 hours to kill beofre we could chek into our hotel. I got us on the DART, Dallas's rail system. That got us pretty close to the hotel. We Ubered from there, saving about $20 in taxi fees. After checking into the hotel, we quickly showered then went out for some Texas BBQ. We found a place within...