End of the Course

 Wow! It has been 2 weeks, and the demands of the course increased since my last post. I have finally graduated, and I feel so proud of myself and my classmates. I will be slowly updating the elements of my new life here in Prague. I hope to touch on the structure of the course, my houseing situation, job searching, the Visa process, and what its like adapting to European culture. These will all be seperate posts of course, all in good time. 

At the end of the first week, the course leader Chris held a TEFL King quiz. He is very theatrical, and I love it. Some classmates griped, as attendance was manditory. We showed up, and had an absolute blast comepeating against each other in a Jepordy-style medieval themed game. Our team came in second. 

Long live the King TEFL

Go Hypno Toads! 

Chris was so proud of us as a group, he got us drinks! 

We all bought tickets to a river boat party for Eisha's birthday. She wanted to celebrate it with us, and she choose the boat part to get the tickets from. It has all we could talk about for the week. Well, that and our lesson plans. It was out light at the end of the tunnel. 
However, when we got to the boat, it was nothing like we expected. There were a lot of single men, and the whole vibe of the boat was gross. Luckily there were a lot of us, and we also had three trusted men with us. This boat pary was a defintly a scam for single tourist We made it enjoyable, but it men, and they didn't at all care about making the expereince actually fun or relaxing for the cutomers. We tried to make our own fun, but the music in the boat wasn't at all danceworthy. So the 10 of us spent the majority of the evening on the roof top deck, talking and watching the city from the river. We made it work, but I would never recoomend anyone go on a boat party. Especially this one. 

The best part of the night, the veiw. 

Saturday, Nathan suggested we go on a hike to help us recover from the ick of last night. Ila joined us, and  we traveled to the edge of Prague. 

This lake marked the start of our hike. 


We got up to the top! 

Another one. 

Looking into the canyon

Sunday was a study day. I couldn't sleep in very well, and everyone else was catching up. There was also a weird cold going around, and I had already had it at the end of the second week. I went to a small cafe too study and read some Pet Sematary, and I was joined by Nathan and Nöelle throughout the day. 
The TV tower, or baby tower, is a great landmark near my place. There are actually babies crawling up on it. 

I sat in the sun for a bit. 

Spent a good 3 hours in this cafe. 

Cheers to the end of week 3! 

Here are some photos from the week. Stress what high, and its hard to believe I'm done. 
Decided to try some tacos after class. I miss good tacos..... these were very sad, nothing like home. 

However the kabab shops, also known as shawrma, are to die for. 

We had a cool thunderstorm, I went for a walk after. This is along the main night life street.  

Treated myself during my studies. 

I had this really yummy soup, it had cabage in it. Not spicy thought..... I miss spice..

Armoniè let us meet her dog, Teddy Bear. We had a sleep over on Wednesday as a celebration of being done with teaching for the course. 

This sandwhich shop sells these open faced sanwhiches called chlebíčky. I have had them at convince stores and didn't think much of them. Nöelle suggested this place for lunch, and it was so good. These are way better than grocery. 
Lots of types, some with cured meat, other without. There are endless options. 

We got lunch with Eden! 
Through all the chaos of the course, we somehow managed too secure an apartment! 

Here is our courtyard. Our place it the corner room on the second floor. 

On Thursday night, Ila, Eisha, Nathan and I all went to celebrate. We went to an Irish pub, and ran into a waiter who had served us a previous night. He was fine at first, but the more drunk he got the less fun he was. He also didn't really understand no. We had fun trying too get him to leave us alone, and in the end the manager of the bar help us in our great escape. 

Eisha's face says it all

Maybe if we hug enough he'll go away! 

 That same night after Eisha twisted her ankle. I wasn't living with her anymore, so I didn't witness the event... she wasn't able to join our actual graduation on Friday night. After our final test on Friday, which was very hard, we all met at a pub for drinks and celebrations. 

Happy graduation! Go September 2023! 

Mirror selfie with Shelby AKA Cobra, Stacy, Sumana, and Shelly 

Milla joined! 

We found ourselves at a club called Steampunk

Ever since Friday I have been trying to catch up and look for jobs. I have lots of opportunities, and I am trying to take as many as I can. It feels so weird to be done, but I am very excited to be apart of the alumni now. I don't regret doing this at all. 

A street in Old Town

Dinner with Nöelle


On Sunday we went with Eden to the airport

Cheers and safe travels Eden! 

Classic pretzel and sausage.

Sunday night we had dessert. 

Mid day snack

We had a shopping outing for things that the apartment didn't come with.

Bunny rabit on my night walk... in the middle of the city! 

Now that I am not in workshops, lesson planning, teaching, or catching up on sleep, I hope have more updates on life in Prague and more about the course structure. I still have more updates to come.

Wishing the best for your adventures,


  1. OH my goodness Luv, amazing how much you crammed into such a few short weeks and now a new apartment, shopping and job hunting ...So proud of you...Love and Hugs Oma

  2. What a whirlwind and I have so many questions!!!!! Very proud of you and looking forward to all the updates. Good luck on the job search to you and Noelle. XO mom.

  3. Love the architecture old/new and the courtyard mural is cool. Keep ‘em coming. 😁


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