
Showing posts from 2023

Visa Process

The Czech Republic is known for being one of the easiest contries to move to in the European Union, especially as a US citizen. I am applying for a work visa as a freelancer. There are lots of different types of work visas, and this one is the easiest and the most practical to obtain. It is called a zivno visa.  We were all put into contact with Visa Guru, a woman who runs her visa buisness to help students who go through The Langauge House. I think she almost exclusivly works with us. She has been helping students get thier zivno for the last 10+ years, and is very expereinced with the ins and outs.  To start the process, I needed to apply for the Visa. The requirments are to have proof of housing for at least one year and an affidavit from the US embassy. I got my affidavit back in September during the course, and my houseing solidified by the first week of October. I also needed letter from my bank saying that I had at least $7,000 in my accounts.  Then Visa Guru needed too get som

End of the Course

 Wow! It has been 2 weeks, and the demands of the course increased since my last post. I have finally graduated, and I feel so proud of myself and my classmates. I will be slowly updating the elements of my new life here in Prague. I hope to touch on the structure of the course, my houseing situation, job searching, the Visa process, and what its like adapting to European culture. These will all be seperate posts of course, all in good time.  At the end of the first week, the course leader Chris held a TEFL King quiz. He is very theatrical, and I love it. Some classmates griped, as attendance was manditory. We showed up, and had an absolute blast comepeating against each other in a Jepordy-style medieval themed game. Our team came in second.  Long live the King TEFL Go Hypno Toads!  Chris was so proud of us as a group, he got us drinks!  We all bought tickets to a river boat party for Eisha's birthday. She wanted to celebrate it with us, and she choose the boat part to get the tick